REFORM Policy Brief No.3 - A fresh look on effective river restoration: Key conclusions from the REFORM project

This is the third and final in a series of three Policy Briefs published by the REFORM project. This Policy Brief presents key conclusions and recommendations of the REFORM project, which are relevant for policy-makers involved in river basin management planning.

The key conclusions and recommendations address the following themes:
- REFORM hydromorphology framework
- REFORM hydromorphological assessment methods
- Remote sensing for river hydromorphological investigation
- Role of vegetation and floodplains
- Groundwater-river interactions

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File status: 

  • Final

REFORM newsletters & leaflet

This document gives an overview of the REFORM newsletters and leaflets. All newsletters and leaflets are available online at the public website of REFORM (http://www.reformrivers.eu). For each item in the newsletter the teaser is given as well as the hyperlink to the full article.

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File status: 

  • Final

Policy discussion paper "Linking e-Flows to sediment dynamics"

Fluvial communities and their ecological integrity are the result of their evolutionary adaptation to river habitats. Flowing water is the main driver for development and maintenance of these habitats, which is why environmental flows (e-Flows) are needed where societal demands are depleting water resources. Fluvial habitats are not only the result of water flow, however, but are shaped by the combined interaction of water, sediments woody/organic material, and riparian vegetation. Water abstraction, flow regulation by dams, gravel pits or siltation by fine sediments eroded from hillslopes are pressures that can disturb interactions among water, sediments, and other constituents that create the habitats needed by fluvial communities. 

Present e-Flow design criteria are based only on water flow requirements. Here we argue that sediment dynamics need to be considered when specifying instream flows, thereby expanding the environmental objectives and definition of e-Flows to include sediments (extended e-Flows).

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File status: 

  • Final

Policy discussion paper "Bringing groundwater to the surface"

This policy paper aims are to identify specific issues and raise awareness of the issues related to groundwater-river interactions by improving knowledge transfers to policy makers and water managers. Groundwater is a key factor in supporting ecological flows (Eflows), both concerning quantity and quality of surface water required for Good Status of aquatic ecosystems. 

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File status: 

  • Final

Proceedings of the International Conference on River and Stream Restoration “Novel Approaches to Assess and Rehabilitate Modified Rivers”

These proceedings of the International Conference 'Novel Approaches to Assess and Rehabilitate Modified Rivers', which took place from 30th June to 2nd July 2015 in Wageningen (the Netherlands), contain the extended summaries of nearly all keynotes and oral presentations as well as several poster presentations. They are preceeded by a description of the scope, objectives and topics of the conference, feedback from the advisory and a visual impression of conference. The contributions are grouped within the six conference topics:

  1. Assessment and rehabilitation of hydromorphological processes in rivers
  2. Discerning the impact of hydromorphological modification from other stressors
  3. Achievements by restoration and mitigation practices
  4. How to improve the (cost-)effectiveness of river rehabilitation?
  5. Benefits of river rehabilitation and synergies with other uses (flood protection, navigation, agriculture, hydropower)
  6. Linking science to practice: tools to assess river status and guide rehabilitation to optimize river basin management

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File status: 

  • Final

Lecture notes of the summer school ‘Restoring regulated streams linking theory and practice’

This deliverable presents the overview and structure of the REFORM 3-day summer school ‘Restoring regulated streams linking theory and practice’ for early career researchers and young scientists. 

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File status: 

  • Final

REFORM project leaflet - Czech version

Introducing the REFORM leaflet!
This document (one page, double sided, not folded) is ready to be printed and distributed at any event to provide a brief introduction and overview of the REFORM project as well as invite the reader to learn more on the project website.

Note that the leaflet is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish and Swedish.

Work packages: 


Document type: 

File status: 

  • Final

REFORM project leaflet - Swedish version

Introducing the REFORM leaflet!
This document (one page, double sided, not folded) is ready to be printed and distributed at any event to provide a brief introduction and overview of the REFORM project as well as invite the reader to learn more on the project website.

Note that the leaflet is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish and Swedish.

Work packages: 


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File status: 

  • Final

REFORM Project leaflet - Finnish version

Introducing the REFORM leaflet!
This document (one page, double sided, not folded) is ready to be printed and distributed at any event to provide a brief introduction and overview of the REFORM project as well as invite the reader to learn more on the project website.

Note that the leaflet is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish and Swedish.

Work packages: 


Document type: 

File status: 

  • Final

REFORM project leaflet - Dutch version

Introducing the REFORM leaflet!
This document (one page, double sided, not folded) is ready to be printed and distributed at any event to provide a brief introduction and overview of the REFORM project as well as invite the reader to learn more on the project website.

Note that the leaflet is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish and Swedish.

Work packages: 


Document type: 

File status: 

  • Final


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