- To investigate the effects of hydromorphological restoration on (1) river habitats, (2) biota and (3) ecosystem services, broken down by different restoration measures and scales
- To analyse the rationale of strong and weak effects of common hydromorphological restoration strategies at catchment, reach and local scales and to relate effects sizes to costs.
- To compare socio-economic costs and benefits at the project appraisal stage and compare them with actual expenditures.
- To test and improve standard protocols for evaluating the success of hydromorphological restoration, which are developed in WPs 2 and 6.
D4.1 Field protocols and associated database (online August 2014)
D4.2 Evaluation of hydromorphological restoration from existing data (online August 2014)
D4.3 Effects of large- and small-scale river restoration on hydromorphology and ecology (online December 2014)
D4.4 Assessing societal benefits of river restoration using the ecosystem services approach (online March 2015)
D4.5 Fact sheets for restoration projects (online December 2015)