Scientific Publications

This section gives the overview of scientific publications. Publications are listed in reversed chronological order, i.e. new ones appear on top.
For each publication you will find title, abstract, full reference and DOI.
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10 years after the largest river restoration project in Northern Europe: Hydromorphological changes on multiple scales in River Skjern (Kristensen et al 2014)

The lower river Skjern (Denmark) historically contained a large variation in habitats and the river ran through large areas with wetlands, many backwaters, islands and oxbow lakes. During the 1960s the river was channelized and the wetland drained. A restoration during 2001–2002 transformed 19 km of channelized river into 26 km meandering river. The short-term effects of this restoration have previously been reported and for this study we revisited the river and with new data evaluated the long-term (10 years) hydrological effects of the restoration. The evaluation was done on three different scales: (1) in-stream habitats, (2) channel stability and (3) re-connection with the floodplain.

Effects of stream flooding on the distribution and diversity of groundwater-dependent vegetation in riparian areas (Baattrup-Pedersen et al 2013)

1. Effects of the frequency and duration of flooding on the structural and functional characteristics of riparian vegetation were studied at four sites (n = 80, 50 × 50 cm, plots) along medium-sized naturally meandering lowland streams. Special focus was on rich fens, which – due to their high species richness – are of high priority in nature conservation.

Plants as river system engineers (Gurnell 2014)

Plants growing within river corridors both affect and respond to fluvial processes. Their above-ground biomass modifies the flow field and retains sediment, whereas their below-ground biomass affects the hydraulic and mechanical properties of the substrate and consequently the moisture regime and erosion susceptibility of the land surface. 
