- To disseminate and support the uptake of project outputs to selected relevant communities (river basin authorities/water managers (especially at the REFORM case study sites), national environment agencies, policy makers through the Common Implementation Strategy of the WFD at international, national and local scale)
- To increase visibility and awareness of issues associated with river restoration.
- To engage directly with practitioners and relevant stakeholders in the development of the applications and tools delivered by the project.
- To provide policy-relevant documentation and to advise policy makers and practitioners on cost-effective, sustainable measures to improve river ecosystems.
D7.1 Communication and Dissemination Strategy (online; March 2012)
D7.2 Project website: structure and functionality (online; August 2012)
D7.3 Proceedings of the end-user / stakeholder workshop (online; June 2013)
D7.4 Lecture notes of the summer school (online; July 2015)
D7.5 Proceedings of the final conference (online; August 2015)
D7.6 Newsletters and project leaflet (the leaflet is now available in 9 languages); 8 newsletters has been published
- Newsletter: see home page
- Leaflets: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish and Swedish.
D7.7 Three policy briefs and maximum three policy discussion papers (the timing for 3rd policy brief will be defined in due course; the timing for the policy discussion papers will be defined on the basis of needs of key policy target groups).
- Policy brief # 1 (November 2013)
- Policy brief # 2 (September 2014)
- Policy brief # 3 (January 2016)
- Policy discussion paper # 1 'Discussion paper for the mid-term Stakeholder Workshop' (February 2013)
- Policy discussion paper # 2 'Bringing Groundwater to the Surface' (August 2015)
- Policy discussion paper # 3 'Linking e-Flows to sediment dynamics' (December 2015)