This newsletter item informs you on the present status of scientific publications within REFORM and how you can keep track when new publications become available.
Besides the scheduled deliverables, REFORM also prepares other results. These results can be user-friendly factsheets, practical guidelines and tools or peer-reviewed publications. The relevant parts of the deliverables are made available in user-friendly factsheets on the REFORM WIKI, which has been presented in our 3rd newsletter (June 2013). Another important output is peer-reviewed scientific publications, because it gives a quality check for our work and enlarges the awareness in particular among scientists and students. Not surprisingly, there is always a time delay in the appearance of such publications. First, the deliverables are prepared then publishable parts are selected, submitted, externally reviewed, revised and, if all goes well, accepted. In the past, this process easily took more than one year and sometimes even longer. This resulted in many publications being published after the project has ended. It is, therefore, a good development that the review process nowadays is shortened substantially so that papers shortly after they have been accepted become available online as ‘early view’. REFORM benefits from this and has already produced 13 publications after 3 years which are available on the website.
The full reference, abstract and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is given for each publication. The present list of publications is given below. The DOI links to the journal. Due to copy rights, we are not allowed to upload full papers. If you are interested in the full paper then you can first check whether it is open access. If not then you are kindly invited to contact the corresponding author requesting a copy. Of course, we continue to prepare other publications during the remainder of the project. When new publications become available, they will be added to the publication overview on our website.
Warm regards,
Tom Buijse
List of REFORM publications (status August 2014):
- Baattrup-Pedersen, A., K.M. B. Jensen, H. Thodsen, H.E. Andersen, P.M. Andersen, S.E. Larsen, T. Riis, D.K. Andersen, J. Audet and B. Kronvang (2013). Effects of stream flooding on the distribution and diversity of groundwater-dependent vegetation in riparian areas. Freshwater Biology 58: 817–827.
- Belletti, B., M. Rinaldi, A.D. Buijse, A.M. Gurnell, and E. Mosselman (2014). A review of assessment methods for river hydromorphology. Environmental Earth Sciences xx: xx-xx. Published online 2 August 2014.
- Eekhout, J. P. C., A. J. F. Hoitink and E. Mosselman (2013). Field experiment on alternate bar development in a straight sand-bed stream, Water Resources Research 49: 8357–8369.
- Friberg, N., A. Baattrup-Pedersen, E.A. Kristensen, B. Kronvang, S.E. Larsen, M.L. Pedersen, J. Skriver, H. Thodsen and P. Wiberg-Larsen (2014). The Gelså River restoration revisited: community persistence of the macroinvertebrate community over an 11-year period. Ecological Engineering 66: 150-157.
- Gallo, C., C. Alonso and D. García de Jalón (2014). Challenges to barbel population resilience due to hydrological alteration. International Journal of River Basin Management 12: 135-144.
- Grabowski, R.C., N. Surian and A.M. Gurnell (2014). Characterizing geomorphological change to support sustainable river restoration and management. WIREs Water 2014.
- Gurnell, A.M. (2014). Plants as river system engineers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39: 4–25.
- Hendriks, D.M.D., M.J.M. Kuijper and R. van Ek (2014). Groundwater impact on environmental flow needs of streams in sandy catchments in the Netherlands. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59: 562–577.
- Januschke, K., S.C. Jähnig, A.W. Lorenz and D. Hering (2014). Mountain river restoration measures and their success(ion): effects on river morphology, local species pool, and functional composition of three organism groups. Ecological Indicators 38: 243–255.
- Kanninen, A., S. Hellsten and H. Hämäläinen (2013). Comparing stressor-specific indices and general measures of taxonomic composition for assessing the status of boreal lacustrine macrophytes communities. Ecological Indicators 27: 29–43.
- Kristensen, E.A., B. Kronvang, P. Wiberg-Larsen, H. Thodsen, C. Nielsen, E. Amor, N. Friberg, M.L. Pedersen and A. Baattrup-Pedersen (2014). 10 Years After the Largest River Restoration Project in Europe: Hydromorphological changes on multiple scales in River Skjern. Ecological Engineering 66: 141–149.
- Latapie, A., B. Camenen, S. Rodrigues, A. Paquier, J.P. Bouchard and F. Moatar (2014). Assessing channel response of a long river influenced by human disturbance. Catena 121: 1–12.
- Lorenz, A.W., S. Stoll, A. Sundermann and P. Haase (2013). Do adult and YOY fish benefit from river restoration measures? Ecological Engineering 61: 174–181.