Restoration potential and strategy (WP5) [1]

- To establish validated, verifiable end points those appraise restoration outcomes.
- To appraise the proportionality of costs to benefits of restoration measures, including the wider societal benefits (i.e. ecosystem services) that derive from the full span of interventions in river systems.
- To compile promising, robust strategies of river restoration for different major European eco-regions, as packages of measures that combine cost-effectiveness, verifiable success, and a full account of ecosystem services.
- To confront these strategies with consequences of plausible future climate and socio-economic change, as grasped in scenarios, and incorporate an informed, adaptive and participatory, risk-based perspective.
D5.1 Review of methodologies for benchmarking and setting end-points for restoration projects [2] (online; November 2013)
D5.2 Cost effective restoration measures that promote wider ecosystem and societal benefits [3] (online; June 2015)
D5.3 Effects of climate and land use changes on river ecosystems and restoration practices [4] (online; December 2015)
D5.4 Risks and uncertainty of different restoration strategies and options analysis [5] (online; December 2015)